Depression now affects over 350 million people worldwide and that’s what we consider an epidemic. Now we know the stigma surrounding mental illness is improving day by day, but are we moving fast enough? Generations before the Millennials often took a quieter approach to dealing with MH and Depression. They would secretly attend therapy, maybe pick up some anti-depressants from their Primary Care Physician, or self medicate. Our Generation has already chosen to take small strides and stand with those suffering. From the semicolon project to forums devoted to a sense of community within those struggling, I believe we, as a young upcoming generation, have quite a bit of power in the way the mental health care system functions. Let’s face it, at one point or another nearly all of us will fight off some sort of depression or anxiety disorder. We are doing great, but here is where I am lost, why aren’t we talking about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?