We all deal with aspects of mental health in one way or another. Life can have unexpected turns, and can impact the way we think, feel, and act. Sometimes we might be afraid to speak out, but that should never stop us from getting the help we need. Dr. Maria Cristina Davila will work with you to find an individual treatment plan that will meet yourmentally, physically, and spiritually needs.
At Awakenings KC, Dr. Maria Cristina Davila treats the following conditions:
Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act.[1] The causes of depression are complex in nature. Depression can be caused by one or any combination of the following:
Treatment for depression varies from person to person. At Awakenings KC, we offer the following services to treat depression:
Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety. Fear is a natural response to a real immediate threat, while anxiety is a natural response to the anticipation of future threats. Fear and anxiety are natural survival instincts that everyone has, but culminate into anxiety disorder when fear and anxiety become excessive. Anxiety disorders paralyze us from making decisions in our everyday lives. Anxiety disorders cannot be diagnosed when substances such as stimulants are in use. Side effects of the stimulants could be the cause of anxiety, so proper diagnosis requires a period of sobriety.
Causes include:
Treatment for Anxiety Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a psychological disorder that occurs when a person has experienced or witnessed traumatic events. It is natural to feel afraid or anxious after a traumatic event as they are natural survival traits. However, PTSD occurs when the fear and anxiety become extreme for an extended period of time. PTSD then consumes the person’s life and interferes with relationships, work, relaxation, etc. Not all traumatic experiences have to be physically dangerous to induce PTSD such as car accidents or assault. PTSD can occur when a person unexpectedly loses a love one or experiences catastrophic events.
Treatment for those affected by PTSD differs from person to person based on experiences from different events. A combination of the following can be used to treat PTSD:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be understood by defining the words obsessive and compulsive. Obsessive refers to reoccurring and persistent thoughts or urges might be unwanted or intrusive. Compulsive refers to repetitive behaviors or thoughts that a person experiences in response to an obsession or to rules that the person believes need to be applied rigidly. The symptoms of OCD are common in many people, but OCD does not occur until these symptoms and behaviors become intrusive in a person’s professional and personal life.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a brain disorder that causes patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity and interferes with functioning and/or development. There are no certain causes for ADHD, but scientists suggest factors such as genes, low birth weight, brain injuries, etc. can lead to ADHD.
Genetic factors can account for up to 95% of drug-response variability and susceptibility. In other words, how a drug will—or won’t—work for a particular individual. Dr. Maria Cristina Davila’s genetic testing brings pharmacogenomics to everyone, identifying how a patient’s DNA and current medications may affect their response to drugs.